Ko Whakatere te maunga
Ko Waima te awa
Ko Ngapuhi te Iwi
Ko te Mahurehure te Hapu
Ko Tuhirangi te Marae
Ko Dylan Hohepa toku ingoa
I graduated from the University of Otago in 2016 and have been working in various aspects of medicine for 7 years. I have worked as a General Practitioner in South Auckland and Porirua, working for Iwi owned clinics.
My passion is working within Maori and Pacifica communities with the aim to improving health outcomes for our whanau. I also work full time at Wellington District Health Board in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and have strong background in Women’s Health and Surgery. I also worked for a year in Dublins National Spinal and Orthopaedic unit at the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital.
I have a 20month old Son and a 3 year old dog (Border Collie/ Pyranesse Mountain dog). They both love hikes around the Wellington town belt and swimming at the beach.
Providing online healthcare is a great way to reach wider communities around Aotearoa who live busy lives and need and deserve great healthcare.